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Law Enforcement Field Training Laboratory (LEFTL)

Welcome to the Law Enforcement Field Training Laboratory (LEFTL), a program of the PTRC.

As a dedicated police officer, you recognize you have a duty to your family, your community, your country, and yourself to become the most highly trained and highly effective police officer you can be. Your journey to fulfill that duty by undergoing the ultimate in law enforcement training can be realized at the LEFTL.

Reality Based Training

LEFTL is dedicated to training Law Enforcement and Emergency Response officials. The training LEFTL offers is different in that LEFTL uses “Reality Based Training” as the training base. We will physically put you into the training scenario and have you experience it—not just tell you how to do it in a PowerPoint presentation while you sit in a classroom.

Reality based training is directly attributable to helping officers in high stress situations. Officers who have “lived” the situation before can

Through reality based training, we enhance the police officer’s physical and psychological performance skills—a winning combination.

Premier Training Venue

By building on the knowledge and research of experts in the field of reality based training and law enforcement—experts such as LTC Dave Grossman, Kenneth Murray, Dr. Bill Lewinski, Dr. Alexis Arthwol, Tony Blauer, Col John Boyd, and Thomas J. Aveni, to name a few—and by using the unique capabilities of the PTRC coupled with the LEFTL’s commitment to law enforcement officers and first responders, we have established a program that is rapidly becoming the country’s premier law enforcement training venue.

Training Materials

To access the PTRC/LEFTL Training Application and Policy, please select the following link:
PTRC/LEFTL Training Application and Policy (206 KB PDF)

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